Workshop, presented at the LABAN International Conference, Rio de Janeiro, June 2022
Bala Sarasvati
Certified Movement Analyst, Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentalssm
Specialization in application of LMA/BF to aerial and dance training and performance
It is incredibly profound how the LMA/BF continues to serve as such a strong baseline for us all to better understand ourselves and each other.
Dance Technique Approach
Movement fundamentals to promote muscular balance, range of motion, strength, mobility and ease. Approaches, methods, physical practice enhance movement efficiency, mobility, momentum and dynamic alignment. "Extreme" shape shifting, level change variations, inversions & off vertical transitions with gradated rotation and other applied 3-dimensional ROM processes.
LMA/BF: Progressões em quedas, rolamentos, espirais e vôos / LMA/BF: Progressions in falling, rolling, spiraling and flying
Identifying and Applying LMA/BF to Contemporary Dance Techniques
In this workshop, we will explore the creative process within the contemporary modern dance technique class environment. This will include movement processes that involve release, riding on the wave of momentum, free-falling; and three-dimensional activities such as looping, threading, and spiraling while regenerating internal lines of energy. The correlation of all these dynamic aspects, now considered central to the contemporary modern dance genre at large, will be explored through level changes, short partnering sequences, moving through space and during stillness. The essential core of this experience is to access and further deepen inner body connections; and awaken movement sensations to create motion, momentum and expression. While cultivating artistry and nurturing the creative process in the daily technique regime may be greatly enhanced through anatomical, sensory, kinetic awareness, sustaining an inquisitive nature and pure passion for motion and movement is essential. While we explore both simple and sophisticated movement processes we will also reflect our body’s memory of significant individual moments of freedom. When do we feel most alive through open channels of energy flow? How do we apply LMA/BF to practice technical skills and enhance our creative approaches to do so?
Practical Application
Release - partnering up and down release
Riding on the wave of momentum -X-rolls, lower leg thread through, helicopter flips; plank to arch leg/spinal twist to thread through
Level change - Lemurs to twisted dismounts
Free-falling - from second twisting to the floor; head side and spiral to the floor
Flying - upper/lower table-top leaps (horizontal plane)
Three-dimensional activities
spreading the body's weight through fluids, flow, cellular level
regenerating internal lines of energy through:
kinectic chains, space effort, inner shape qualities
initiation and sequencing of body and body/body parts
movement sensations to create motion, momentum and expression
exploring both simple and sophisticated movement processes
allow for individual moments of freedom
sustaining an inquisitive nature and pure passion for motion and movement
When do we feel most alive through open channels of energy flow?
How do we apply LMA/BF to practice technical skills and enhance our creative approaches to do so?
Aplicação prática
Lançamento - versão em parceria para cima e para baixo
Aproveitando a onda de impulso - X-rolls, passagem da perna, viradas de helicóptero; prancha para arquear a perna/torção espinhal para passar
Mudança de nível - Lêmures para desmontagens torcidas
Queda livre - da segunda torção ao chão; lado da cabeça e espiral para o chão
Voar - (saltos de cima/baixo da mesa)
Atividades tridimensionais
espalhando o peso do corpo através de fluidos, fluxo, nível celular
regenerando linhas internas de energia através de:
cadeias cinéticas, esforço espacial, qualidades de forma interna
iniciação e sequenciamento do corpo e partes do corpo/corpo
sensações de movimento para criar movimento, impulso e expressão
explorando processos de movimento simples e sofisticados
permitir momentos individuais de liberdade
sustentando uma natureza inquisitiva e pura paixão pelo movimento e movimento
Quando nos sentimos mais vivos através de canais abertos de fluxo de energia?
Como aplicamos LMA/BF para praticar habilidades técnicas e aprimorar nossas abordagens criativas para fazê-lo?